Identify the cultural differences in business between Asia and Europe!

The differences between the Western and Asian way of thinking can be illustrated when we compare the logic of European chess and Asian GO (in Chinese: Weiqi)

Checkmate vs. relative victory

The aim of chess is “check-mate“, which is reached with the help of a direct and open fight. Playing GO means longing for balance. At the end the winner, of course, has reached more advantages, but even the loser is still able to act or move.

Decidedness vs. Ambiguity

Our Western way of thinking is determined by an “either-or-principle” whereas in Asia they prefer an “as-well-as” way of thinking. For Westerners it often goes without saying that they will play “chess” when doing business in Asia. Additionally, they are not aware of the fact that their Asian partners act according to completely different rules.

When in Asia do as the Asians do


When in Asia do as the Asians do: play according to Asian rules!

Because of our long-time experience in India, China, Japan, South Korea or South East Asia we know the hidden rules of these markets. We will help you and your employees to be successful in Asia.